Lunch Info

What is Food Services?

The daily goal is providing everyone who is served with an appetizing and nutritional meal.

What can you expect to find in the JSRHS Cafeteria?

We take pride in the meals we prepare and serve to everyone at John Stark Regional. Our goal is to continue to satisfy student nutritional needs, while maintaining our reputation of serving top quality meals in a friendly and caring environment. In 2013, the JSRHS Cafeteria won a bronze level award for the Healthy U.S. School Challenge sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

In a continuing effort to encourage students to make healthy choices, the food service department offers a variety of healthy choices. Fresh apples, oranges and bananas are always available. All of our juices are 100% fruit juice. We make every effort to have the snack foods available, whole grain or multi-grain products, Low in fat, sugar and lower sodium products. We are making all of our own soups and many other items on the menu from scratch in an effort to reduce sodium and as much of the processed food as possible. We are offering choices including vegetarian options, more fruits and vegetables and whole grain and wheat bread. Our Salad Bar continues to be very popular and offers many healthy choices including low fat cottage cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables, including baby spinach, mixed greens, homemade bean salads, and on occasion we offer tabouli salad and hummus, and a variety of hot side dishes. Low fat and skim milk is always offered as a beverage option.

What's for lunch?

A lunch meal calendar is posted a month in advance on bulletin boards in the school and on this website.

What is Mosaic?

Mosaic is a Point of Service lunch counting and payment system used by the school's Food Service. It is for all students regardless of payment type - cash, reduced lunch program or free lunch program. Even teachers and staff members may set up accounts. One of the major advantages is the elimination of lunch tickets. This way all students are privately identified within the computer system as CASH, PREPAID, REDUCED or FREE participants.

Get more information on MySchoolBucks.

Making it easy with Mosaic's MySchoolBucks

That's right you can set up your child's lunch account and forget about making another manual payment! With scheduled payment options you can customize your account to work for you while keeping your child's account from running out of money.

  • Create a payment schedule to automatically add money to the account when it hits a certain balance or
  • Set up a recurring payment which automatically funds the account on the day/week/month specified by you

Can I restrict or manage my child's food purchases?

The school's Food Services partners with families to ensure that their wishes are met in regard to their children's lunch and a la carte purchases. Parents have the ability to request messages appear on the screen for the food service worker as the child enters his/her code. Below is a sampling of current messages that are used by some families:

  • No a la carte allowed unless student pays cash.
  • Lunch of day only.
  • A la carte only permitted on Wednesday.
  • Type 1 Diabetic - ask if he/she has been to see the nurse.
  • Snack sales on Monday, Wednesday and Friday only.

If you would like one of the above messages or any other message added to your child's account please contact:

Name: Morgan Trahan
Phone: 603-529-5305

What is a free and reduced lunch?

The National School Lunch Act provides reduced-price or free lunches to students based on family income and size. Eligibility is determined via an application process which parents complete and submit each year.

Get more information on the Free and Reduced Lunch Program.


Each student in is responsible for his/her Mosaic account. The recommended procedure is to pay in advance for the amount your child may normally spend in one month. If the student balance is getting low, we will inform them on the lunch line. Plus for all students an email or a letter will be sent home.

There will be no ala carte charging allowed if the student has any negative balance.


Please note that Mosaic is confidential. Each student must enter a PIN regardless of meal status or payment option, thus ensuring their privacy. Please impress to your child the confidentiality of their PIN and they should share it with no one. This ensures only your child is spending the funds you provided.

The cafeteria is normally open during the following times:

Monday 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Tuesday 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Wednesday 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Thursday 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Friday 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Saturday CLOSED


Attn: Food Services
John Stark Regional High School
618 North Stark Highway
Weare, NH 03281

Phone Numbers:

Main: 603-529-5305
Fax: 603-529-4646