
Capstone Project Description

John Stark Regional High School

As the world of work rapidly shifts, ensuring students are equipped with the skills and competencies they need for career and life success is becoming increasingly challenging. At John Stark Regional High School, we believe the Capstone project deepens student learning through the independent pursuit of a passion or career interest.

As a faculty, we strive to equip our students with the skills they need to access opportunities for growth. Students working toward graduation work with a coach to complete an independent project which synthesizes their learning and demonstrates command of core 21st century skills, including problem solving, effective communication and respectful collaboration in a real-world context.

Successful completion of the Capstone Project is a graduation requirement for students pursuing the traditional diploma!

Click on the link below to go to the page for Capstone documents page.

Click on the link below to go to the page for Capstone project ideas.