Students who are enrolled in health class will learn about suicide prevention as part of the curriculum. In addition to their assigned health teachers Kristen Hrubowchak and Deb Apiki, the school psychologist, Tammy Zielinski and the school adjustment counselor, Denise Getman will facilitate the discussion of the topic. The Signs of Suicide (SOS) Program is a universal suicide prevention program. The goal of the SOS Program is for school staff, students, and parents to learn about depression, suicide, and the associated risks of alcohol/drug use, and increase confidence to seek help for those who need it. Students will participate by attending their regularly scheduled health class. We hope that the program will help instill confidence in your high school student about identifying the signs of depression and suicide and how to access help if someone needs it. If you have any questions about this topic or your students’ participation, feel free to contact Tammy Zielinski, school psychologist 603-539-5352 or Denise Getman, adjustment counselor at 603-529-5317.
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