Physical Education

Welcome to the start of the school year. I hope everyone had a great summer! For the first month of school, we are getting reacquainted and setting the ground rules for the year. I traditionally lead class discussions with "Hoops and Dreams" and what physical education means to them. I then share my PE philosophy with my students. I am a huge advocate of movement (exercise), and usually start my class off with stretching and warm-ups (tag activities- stuck in the mud/ stinky feet and an obstacle course.) I also stress the importance of a healthy lifestyle and promote that within my curriculum during the course of the year concentrating on the 5 components of fitness.

I tend to have a majority of my classes outside in the 1st trimester (weather permitting). The activities within my curriculum, can include: Team building games, aerobic walk/hike on our ABC school trail, partner activities(underhand and overhand throw with catching and kicking using various balls, frisbees, scoops, soccer, and lacrosse equipment), relays, parachute, locomotor movement games(walking, running, hoping, jumping, skipping, galloping, sliding and leaping), introduction to speedstacks, modified kickball, Health and Wellness messages, and activity stations in the gym when weather does not cooperate. Activities will be updated periodically throughout the year. As the school year continues we find ourselves more in the gym doing stations: Basketball, cornhole, uno, bowling ,jenga , bumper paddles, fitness testing, horseshoes , scooters , memory , hula hoops , ring toss , exercise dice , connect four, twister , blockus , nutrition trivia/flash cards , jump roping , juggling scarves , pickup sticks , spike ball , shuffle board , rebound ball , scrabble , yatzee , mini golf and run for money. Other activities may include: Polo hockey, doctor tag, pinball, star wars,crab soccer,volleyball(crazy newcomb),snowball, team boat shuffle(performance task), Gymnastics, tumbling, trampoline, balance beam, frisbee golf, capture/pin, croquet, and bocce ball.

Looking forward to a great school year!

-Mr. V

P.S. -Don't forget your sneakers or something safe to wear and water bottles on hot days.

5 components of Physical  fitness

Reminder of the 5 components of Physical fitness.

What physical fitness components match up with your activities?

  1. Aerobic physical activities lasting longer than 90 seconds working your heart and lungs ( running, swimming, and bicycling ).
  2. Amount of force your muscles can exert against resistance for a short duration anaerobically (less than 90 seconds without oxygen ). Body weight exercises using free weights and push ups for example.
  3. Sustained muscle contractions for an extended period of time lasting minutes rather than seconds. Planks and sit ups(crunches) are good anaerobic activity examples.
  4. The range of motion possible for your joints and muscles ( warm up stretching , yoga , reaching toward your toes , and fitness test- sit and reach).
  5. Percentage of your body's tissues composed of fat versus fat-free. Focusing on the other four components of physical fitness will naturally lead to improved body composition over time. Balancing exercise and diet eating healthy well balanced meals(My Plate) will also help keep you in shape !

Exercise of the Day- Planks

See picture #3 (muscular endurance) on the five components of physical fitness on poster above.

Great Isometric exercise (hold position as long as you can).

Extra Activity Ideas

Homemade Obstacle Course (inside or out)